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Queen Says Chinese Officials Very Rude

Queen says Chinese Officials Were 'Very Rude - During President Xi Jinping's Visit To The UK.

queen says chinese officials very rude

The Queen has been caught on camera saying Chinese officials were "very rude" during President Xi Jinping's visit to the United Kingdom last year.
This rare moment of candor from the usually solidly diplomatic monarch was caught on camera by Buckingham Palace's own staff, as the Queen greeted a senior Metropolitan police officer.
"Oh, bad luck," she says, after hearing commander Lucy D'Orsi had been in charge of security for Xi's visit.
"I'm not sure whether you knew, but it was quite a testing time for me," D'Orsi tells the Queen.
    "Yes, I did," she responds.
    "They were very rude to the ambassador," the Queen adds, referring to Barbara Woodward, Britain's first female ambassador to China.
    The Metropolitan Police said it does not comment on private conversations of officers.
    A spokesman for Buckingham Palace said in a statement: "We do not comment on the Queen's private conversations. However the Chinese State Visit was extremely successful and all parties worked closely to ensure it proceeded smoothly."
    Asked about the Queen's comments at a regular press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said "the visit launched a golden era in China-UK bilateral ties."
    He added that he had "no knowledge" of any threats to call off the visit, referenced by D'Orsi in her comments to the Queen.
    Source: CNN News

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