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Glo Data Sharing

Glo Data Sharing

glo data sharing

Glo Mobile Network specializes in making life easy and interesting for its customers.
With Glo, you can now share one data plan with friends, family and loved ones.
How it works:
You can a glo data plan and share with your wife and three of your children instead of buying five different data plans. When you share with anyone, the person gets notified through SMS and gets immediate access to the internet.

How to Share:

To ADD someone to share dial *127*01*[friend’s number]# or Send “Share [friend’s number]” to 127.
e.g. Dial *127*01*0805XXXXXXX# or Send Share 0805XXXXXXX  to 127.
• To REMOVE people from sharing, dial *127*02*[friend’s number]# OR Send “Remove [friend’s number]” to 127e.g. Dial *127*02*0805XXXXXXX# or Send Remove 0805XXXXXXX  to 127.
• To LIST PEOPLE sharing your subscription, dial *127*00# or Send “List” to 127
• Alternatively, visit hsi.glo.com from your device (using Glo SIM) and use the sharing feature

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