12 Quick SEO Tips You Can Implement To Improve Search Ranking
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SEO Tips |
Has it been very tough for you getting organic traffic from the web? Have you desired to climb up a bit higher in search engines than where you see your sites today? I have put down some SEO tips you can implement as a matter of urgency and you will begin to rank high on search engines like Google and Bing.
1. Get your site submitted to more search engines.
Many of them render free services, they will help you get your website listed. Here is a free search engine submission site that will let you cycle through the top 100 search engines and get your site submitted:Pingler.com and googleping.com
2. create unique, content-related post titles
Use the Title tags to show post titless. Both search engines and users of your blog will know what the content of your post is about through the title tag. The tag (titile tag: <title>) seats within the head tag (<head> tag) of the HTML document.When a user searches the web and the search results show up, the contents of the search result will appear in the first line of the search results. If the user has used any keyword in your post title, it will appear bolded. In this way, users will know if the post will be relevant to them or not.
You can include the following in your title page: your website's or business name, the location of the business, focused business interests. This is one of the important SEO tips you can and should always implement.
3.Describe your post content accurately.
Use a title that accurately describes what your content is about.Avoid using a title that has no relation to the content of your post or a title that is so vague.The title tag for each post/page must be unique.This helps Google to tell Google that each of your post is distint from the other.The title tags should be short but descriptive and informative. If it's too long, most search engines will only show part of it in search results.
Note: Avoid keywords stuffing in your title tags.
4 Making use of Descriptive meta tag.
This is giving off a brief summary of your content, which is both useful to search engines and users of your blog.Usually, Post description meta tag is made up of two to three sentences. Descriptive meta tag, just like title tag is placed within the head tag (<head> tag) of your HTML document.The importance of description meta tags:
Seach engines use them as snippets for your pages. Though Search engine like Google might decide to use other relevant portion of your content. So, adding description meta tags to each of your post article is recommended in case the search engines could not find any good selection of text to use as a snippet.
When words in the description meta tag appear in a search query, they appear bolded. In this way, they easily attract the attention of the user to decide the relevance to the search query.
Please see the screenshot.
It pays if you accurately summarize the post's content.Avoid using a description meta tag that has no relevance to a post article. Avoid keywords-stuffing the description, also, don't copy and paste the post content as your description meta tag. Always use unique descriptions for each page.
5. Pay attention to the structure of your URLs.
This is # 5 in the list of the quick SEO tips to implement. Information is conveyed better when your URLs are simple to understand.Use of descriptive categories and filenames for your post article will both help you maintain a well-organized structure, and enhance a better crawling of your post articles by search engines.It also makes for easier and more acceptable URLs for those that may want to link your site.If you structure your URL properly, users might even want to link to your post using the URL directly (as the anchor text).well structured URL that contains relevant words provide search engines and visitors better information about your post than the use of an ID or some other unnecessary parameter.
URL structure best practices:
- Use words in your URLs that are relevant to your post content and make the structure friendlier for users.It makes users more apt to link them.
- Avoid using URLs that are too long and has unnecessary IDs and parameters, also avoid keywords-stuffing your URL.
- Create a directory structure that will organize your content decently and easily allow visitors to know where your contents are.
- In order to prevent watering down the reputation of your content, provide one version of a URL to reach your post content.To achieve this, you can set up a 301 Redirect from non-preferred URLs to the preferred URL you want its reputation to soar.You can also use rel="canonical" link element if you cannot redirect.
6.Create sites that can be navigated easily.
Search engines are "friendly" with sites that can be navigated easily.It makes search engines to rightly guess the contents the webmaster thinks are important. It also helps visitors to find contents they want so easily.Your site navigation should planned based on your homepage.Every site has a homepage (root page), which is usually the most visited.Organize your site so that visitors can easily move from your homepage to other pages/posts containing more specific information. It is a good idea to classify related posts under a particular category or subcategory.
7. Prepare Sitemaps.
This another SEO tip you can quickly implement without wasting time. It is recommended you prepare two sitemaps, one for the search engines, one for users of your site.A site map - is a page that shows the structure of your site. It arranges the different posts/pages on your website in hierarchical order.It is meant for your visitors to visit if they are finding difficult locating your site contents.This one is basically meant for human users, though search engines will also visit it and get good coverage of your website.
An XML Sitemap file - is submitted to search engines, for instance, through Google's Webmaster Tools - for Google or through Bing Webmaster Tools for Bing.You can also use Sitemap file to tell search engines which version of your URL you would prefer as canonical one (e.g. http://legitbz.com/ or http://www.legitbz.com/).
Read more on preferred domain.
Read more on how to create Google's Open source Sitemap Generator Script.This will help you create your own Sitemap file of your site.
Navigation best practces:
- create navigation that naturally flows, making it easy for visitors to go from homepage to the more pecific content they want on your website.
- Don't create complex webs of navigation links, for instance, trying to link every page on your site to every other page.
- Preferrably use text for navigation to flash and JavaScript. It makes easier for the search engines to understand your site and crawl it.
- Do not create a navigation that is entirely base on drop-down menus, animations and imagees. This is because, not all search engines will discover such links on your website.
8. Check your ALT tags. Searchbots can’t see pictures.
Make sure you have ALT tags on all of your pictures, and make sure they are descriptive and keyword rich.Also read list of best internet marketing tools
9. Create a useful 404 page (404 HTTP status code).
Occasionally, visitors will come to non-existent page or post on your website, either due to typing in wrong URL or following a broken link. If you have a useful 404 page, it will kindly guide to other of your useful page or even back to your homepage, from your homepage, the user can navigate to the page content he wants. In essence, you should include your homepage in your 404 page, and links to related or popular content on your website.Google has a 404 widget you can embed in your 404 page which will automatically populate it with many useful features.Google Webmaster Tools is another tool you can use to find the sources of URLs causing the "not found error".
Remember, don't allow your 404 pages to be indexed in search engines
10.Maintain a regular Clean up of your HTML and check your links.
This will allow for the bots to have smooth sailing through your site. Tools on W3c.org can offer a great help in that respect and also have a real person check them over too.11. Naturally get backlinks to your website.
When many sites are linked to your site, it demonstrates to search engines like Google that your site or the post content is an authoritative or an informative piece of content, and as such, it will climb up in search rank.Get a few more backlinks to your site either through guest post, social media share etc. Make them relevant and at least the same pagerank as your page.12. Actively engage content-related forums.
Search online and join forums that are related to your contents that you want to promote. Write and post contents that tend to solve peoples' problem or very informative articles, and put your website in your signature. Forums an easy and a great place to put one-way links. And you can help some other blogger out at the same time.Thanks for reading my article. Ensure you implement these SEO tips as quickly as you can, in no distance time, if your site doesn't have any other security issue or penalty from any of the major search engines, you will begin to notice increase in your traffic from organic search.Please if you have found it useful in anyway, let me get your comment and also share with your friends. Thank you.