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Why Obama Should Attend Buhari Inuguration

Why Obama Should Attend Buhari's Presidential Swearing-in  Inauguration

Last month, Nigeria completed its election process in a peaceful and transparent manner. While the U.S. applauded this positive feat, our involvement cannot conclude just yet. In fact, in some ways, it is only just the beginning – which is why I strongly urge President Barack Obama to attend the inauguration of President-Elect Muhammadu Buhari on May 29.

President Obama’s presence at this historic inauguration would send the right signal at the right time. This election was a landmark victory for democracy in Africa and for struggling people elsewhere around the world, and his participation would make a powerful statement of hope and renewal. Nigeria is in the balance. While it is dealing with a brutal terrorism campaign in the north, and multiple other development challenges elsewhere across the country – still it is the largest economy in a very important part of the world and – is poised to achieve much more in the years ahead.

Nigerians are well aware that President Obama bypassed their country on two previous visits to Africa. Many excused him believing his decision was based on the fact that the U.S. saw limited progress on democratic processes. They were also mindful of the issues surrounding corruption along with the fierce security threats posed by Boko Haram...Continue

Source: The Guardian Newspaper

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