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8 Steps Towards Becoming A Great Leader

8 Steps Towards Becoming A Great Leader

Many very successful people have ability to lead. Before getting to lead others, you should have mastered to lead yourself. You must be willing to lead yourself. I am yet to see someone who succeeded by merely following others.

Rising to the challenge of creating an entirely new path for ourselves could bring about the turning point in our lives. Ability to lead has always been an important part of success life. It is imperative that we not only develop to lead others but must also develop to lead ourselves. Becoming a good leader goes beyond standing before a huge crowd and dishing out orders.


A leader must be proactive. We often make the mistake of judging or ascribing leadership to people based on how someone sounds, paying less action to the action that the so called leader performs. Here lies the true test of leadership. Indeed, a good leader should concentrate on his actions more than simple appearance.

Do not be misguided by the title of this article which reads "8 steps to becoming...." and you begin to follow it progressively as though it is a recipe or procedural manual. I would rather want you to consider these steps as actions you must have to take routinely

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STEP 1. 
You must be alert to new potentials. There is no absoluteness in "reality", it is rather also subject to change. If you consider most of the inventors of old and of our time, explorers, and social change agents who had exhibited greatness, one might say that they were successful because they were lucky to be at the right place at the right time. Yes, this could be true, but if they didn't have their eyes open on the opportunity, it would not have meant anything even if they were in the right place.

Step 2. 
Don't mind the source of inspiration, just accept it even if it's from your enemy. The wisest of the leaders are always studying their opponents. We often see examples of this in wars, politics and business. Though, many times, certain studies have shown that people focus on finding a weakness to exploit. A great leader of positive change will not align to this trend. Rather, if you find a weakness, you try to avoid the pitfall yourself. On the other hand, if you find strength, then try to strengthen your qualities accordingly.

Step 3.
As you see each new day, try to learn something new and promote it in new ways. It simply means we must seek to expand our horizon locally and externally. Charge your mind with new lessons and knowledge, also expand your social horizons. It's important to seek out and meet new people and try to apply yourself to new social environments. These experiences would definitely help you in your leadership role lately.

Step 4.
Search and find solutions in subtle clues. Learn to continuously ask questions and look beneath the surface for answers. This an extension of step 3 which seeking new knowledge. Furthermore, this means you might need to step off the usual paths of knowledge. You don't simply read books in the bestsellers list or literary canon. Seminars should be preferred to classes as there are greater opportunities for questioning and debate. Seek out and rub mind with the unconventional teachers, writers and thinkers.


Step 5.
When there are no existing solutions, improvise. Stop giving excuses. Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. How do you tell me it will not work when you have not tried it before? It's important you remember, not all your approaches have to come from the front. Attempt to solve your problem from all sides available to you, systematically apply your ideas in various combinations.

Step 6.
Endeavour to make at least one person happy each day. If you take it as a responsibility, making somebody happy each day, soon the thoughtful caring behavior will become a habit and as a habit, it will affect the lives around you. You really derive happiness from making someone happy. The world would be a much better place to dwell if we all try a little bit more to spread happiness.

Step 7.
Render assistance even if there is no apparent gain to you. This more valuable than issuing a check. It means you are offering yourself, your energy and time for humanity. It could mean helping someone you don't know and at times it can be a very personal action.

Step 8.
The last, but not the least step, never let negativity be your last word on any subject matter. It happens this way, if your final statements are those of negative words, no matter how hopeful you may be about the outcome of the project, the lasting impression you give to others are that of negativity.

If you accentuate the positive, then you are more likely get a positive outcome. If you follow these 8 actionable steps, you will end up not only becoming a great leader yourself but you will also lead yourself to a successful life.

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